
Friday Aug 21, 2020
Ep 25: The OA Podcast -Finding Purpose with Matt Williams
Friday Aug 21, 2020
Friday Aug 21, 2020
"If you want a great community around you, you have to build it!"
Those are the words Matt's mentor spoke to him while he was in early recovery from a substance use disorder (addiction). That day and those words changed his life forever.
Matt is the founder of FroPro.
But he is so much more than that. He is a teacher, a coach, a mentor, and all around spreader of positivity. That doesn't mean he didn't face adversity though!
Check out Episode 25 to hear how Matt overcame his struggles to create a life that he truly loves today!
This is one episode you won't want to miss!
This episode is sponsored by Next level Recovery Associates Inc
To learn more about ordering FroPro's delicious frozen protein snacks, go to GoFroPro.com
If you enjoy this podcast, please leave us a review. We value your feedback and will randomly select reviews to read on the next episode!

Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
EP 24: The OA Podcast - The Cornbread Hustler
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
The OA podcast is back in action and for this episode we have an incredible guest!
Today's episode features Cheri Garcia, the founder of the Cornbread Hustle which is an organization that offers job placement to formally incarcerated individuals.
Her story is full of twists and turns but she made one thing very clear...everyone deserves a second chance and when you give them that second chance, be ready for the amazing gifts you're about to receive.
This episode covered so much ground, was fluid, compelling, and so much more!
You know what? Why don't you just listen to the episode for yourself and you'll see what I mean!
Enjoy Episode number 24 with Cheri Garcia!
For more information on the Cornbread Hustle, go to: www.Cornbreadhustle.com
For more information on Amanda and Blake's company, Next Level Recovery Associates Inc, visit: NextLevelRecoveryassociates.com
If you or someone you know should be a guest on the OA podcast, email us at: Overcomingadversitypodcast@gmail.com
Keep living your best life and thank you for listening! MUCH LOVE!

Wednesday May 06, 2020
EP. 23 - The OA Podcast: Lemonade out of Lemons
Wednesday May 06, 2020
Wednesday May 06, 2020
Welcome to Episode #23 of the Overcoming Adversity Podcast with Amanda Marino & Blake Cohen!
Collectively, as a population, we are all in the midst of some incredible Adversity. The Coronavirus has flipped the world on its ear and we are all adjusting to the infamous "new normal".
In the midst of the chaos, the hosts of the OA podcast have added a little salt and pepper to the situation by venturing out to start their own company and begin a Master's degree program at the same time.
Check out this episode to hear how your favorite podcast hosts are coping with Covid-19, how they've faced the fears of starting their own company, and how they've truly made lemonade out of lemons!
**Enjoy this podcast? Please leave a 5-star review on your favorite listening platform**
Want to learn more about Amanda and Blake's new coaching company? Visit:
Know someone who might be a great guest for our show? Maybe it's you! Shoot us an email at OvercomingAdversityPodcast@Gmail.com so we can get them on the show!

Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Ep 22: The OA Podcast - Listen to Your Gut
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Welcome back to the Overcoming Adversity Podcast with this show's guest, Rebecca Reeder!
Rebecca's inspiring story made for a great episode! She offers incredible insight into what it's like to live with, and overcome, an eating disorder as well as a Substance Use Disorder.
She is real, vulnerable, and incredibly passionate about using her story to inspire others. She helps offer a clear message of hope in Episode #22 of the OA Podcast.
We can't wait for you to listen. Enjoy!
**If you know someone who would make a great guest on the OA podcast, shoot us an email at OvercomingAdversityPodcast@Gmail.com
To learn more about today's guest, visit: Rebecca's LinkedIn Page

Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
Ep 21: The OA Podcast - UNCrushing It w/ Tim Clarke
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
First off, let me start by saying that we apologize for the dropped calls that we've poorly tried to edit out of this episode.
Now that we've gotten that out of the way, you are in for a real treat with one!
Tim Clarke is the co-founder and CEO of UNCrushed.org.
In episode #21, Blake and Amanda start off with some exciting news and then dive in the interesting live of Tim Clarke discussing how he's overcome a wide array of adversities, from addiction to an eating disorder to workaholism, which ultimately led him on his journey to speak out against outdated stigmas with Uncrushed!
This is an episode for the record books and we were delighted to have Tim Clarke as our guest this week on the Overcoming Adversity Podcast.
*Please Rate our Podcast on Apple and Spotify!
**If you'd like to be a guest on our show, please email us at OvercomingAdversityPodcast@gmail.com

Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
Ep 20: The OA Podcast - Next Level Pursuits
Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
As you'll hear Co-host Amanda Marino say many times in this episode, the OA podcast is looking to bring this show into the "next level"!
In this episode, Amanda and Blake recap 2019 and throw out their goals for 2020. They discuss what the future of the podcast looks like and what we can expect from the upcoming guests.
There are a ton of positive changes happening, starting with an improved listening experience!
Enjoy Episode #20! (or 19...You'll get it when you listen)
*If you enjoy the podcast, please leave us a positive review and if you want to nominate yourself or someone to be a guest, please email us at OvercomingAdversityPodcast@gmail.com

Wednesday Nov 27, 2019
Ep 18: - The OA Podcast - A Parent's Biggest Fear
Wednesday Nov 27, 2019
Wednesday Nov 27, 2019
Eric Paskin, a man in long-term recovery and owner of a Substance Use Disorder treatment facility, and his wife faced one of most difficult times of their lives just three years ago.
As their second son was born, he became fatally ill and with only moments to live, rushed him to the hospital to attempt to save his short life. They spent 90 days in that hospital facing adversity after medical adversity but were fortunate enough to bring their beautiful son home at the end of those three months.
Their life was forever changed the day he was born but Eric is here to tell us how he got through such a tough time with resilience.
Enjoy episode #18!
**If you enjoy the overcoming adversity podcast, drop us a review on your favorite podcast platform!
***If you want to nominate someone to be a guest or have a story to tell yourselves, please email us at OvercomingAdversityPodcast@Gmail.com

Wednesday Nov 20, 2019
Ep 17: The OA Podcast - The OA Overcomers
Wednesday Nov 20, 2019
Wednesday Nov 20, 2019
You may have been thinking to yourself, "Where have Amanda and Blake been for two weeks?"
Well, this podcast episode will answer your questions as to where your favorite two show hosts have been and what they have been up to.
This episode is a series of gems from Amanda and Blake regarding their experiences with their own positive/negative adversities.
We find ourselves at a turning point for the OA podcast. It's time to throw it into high gear and move full throttle bringing this podcast into the stratosphere.
**We are always looking for new guest that have overcome adversity in their lives. Please email us at OvercomingAdversityPodcast@gmail.com or shoot us a message on our facebook page (@OvercomingAdversityPodcast)
Thank you for listening and enjoy episode 17 of the Overcoming Adversity Podcast!

Monday Oct 28, 2019
Ep 16: The OA Podcast - Hut Hut Help
Monday Oct 28, 2019
Monday Oct 28, 2019
Randy Grimes, second round draft pick into the NFL, hit the lottery when his dream of playing professional football became a reality. Little did he know that the following decade would be the greatest years of his life but shortly after he would find himself living in the worst years of his life.
This is a story of adversity in so many ways where Randy discusses with Amanda and Blake how he found himself in the NFL, how he became addicted to prescription drugs, and how he found recovery 20 years later.
Randy is an incredible man and we are delighted to share his story with you.
Enjoy episode number 16 of the Overcoming Adversity Podcast.
If you are interested in being a guest on our podcast, please email us at: OvercomingAdversityPodcast@gmail.com
If you are enjoying the show, please leave us a review on any of your favorite listening platforms!

Thursday Oct 17, 2019
Ep 15: The OA Podcast - Elusive Perfectionism
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
Thank you for listening to Episode #15 of the Overcoming Adversity Podcast with your hosts, Amanda Marino and Blake Cohen!
This episode is guest-less but full of gems that can be pulled out of a conversation between Amanda and Blake.
After much turmoil and growth experiences, the two hosts discuss what their techniques are to help deal with life's daily grind and have a conversation about hope.
If there is anything we've learned from our guests on this podcast, we've learned that life goes on and through the adversities we face, comes major growth.
Enjoy this episode and pay close attention!
To become a guest on our podcast, please email us at OvercomingAdversityPodcast@Gmail.com
Give us feedback by leaving us a review on your favorite listening platform!